My Local Traffic Survey

I believe in cleaner, greener and safer streets, and we all want to reduce congestion on our roads and increase sustainable travel.

However, the Liberal Democrats are making a mess of our local roads. Buses are delayed, children are late for school, healthcare appointments are being missed and our roads have seemingly more potholes than ever before. New traffic filters, an expansion of the Zero Emission Zone in the city centre and a workplace parking levy are just part of a £57m tax bombshell being dropped on residents in Oxford, Abingdon and our villages.

This isn't right. We need a 'back to basics' approach that invests in our roads, encourages active travel and supports local businesses.

Fill in my local traffic survey below and let me know your views on traffic, congestion and our roads in the Oxford and Abingdon area.

Roads & Traffic Survey

  • Current Traffic, Roads and Congestion
  • National Issues
  • Get involved
  • Your details
Do you drive a car, motorcycle or other road vehicle?
On a scale of 1-10, what do you think about the overall state of our roads in Oxfordshire? 1 = very bad, 10 = very good